
FINA (Fédération Internationale de Natation) the global governing body for all five aquatic sports uses Joomla! for its site http://www.fina.org. 国际泳联(联邦国际Natation)全球所有五个水上运动理事机构使用JOOMLA!其网站http://www.fina.org

On the site you will find news, rules, statistics, doping regulations and a calendar of events for all five disciplines of swimming, diving, water polo, synchronised swimming and open water swimming.   在该网站上,你会发现新闻,法规,统计,兴奋剂条例及和所有五类赛事的日历:游泳,跳水,水球,花样游泳,公开水域游泳。

Extensions used to create this site include JEvents, DOCman, CKForms, Frontpage Slideshow and Ninja RSS syndicator. 用于创建这个网站使用的扩展,包括JEvents,DOCman,CKForms,FrontPage Slideshow和 RSS联播。

FINA - Fédération Internationale de Natation

Written by Steve Burge,英文由Steve Burge撰写,中文由新龙翻译。
